How can I add roles to my questionnaires?

Adding Roles to your Questionnaires

You can add as many roles as needed for each type of questionnaire in your workspace. After adding a role, you can customize it by editing the role title, enabling a “split” to capture responses for both clients and spouses separately, and adding a custom description that will appear in the Client Decisions Summary export.

To add roles follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Customization > and Open your Questionnaire.

  1. Then move the Roles tab of the customization screen.

  1. From here you can add more Roles by clicking on Add Role.

  1. Add a Role Title, set an Order, determine if it "splits", and optionally you can add a custom description for each role in the Client Decisions Summary export. After adding the details hit Save.

Check out the related articles which explain how to properly assign contacts and manage their order for each role in your questionnaire.

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