What custom questions can I use?

DecisionVault supports the following types of custom questions and elements in the questionnaires:

Basic Questions

  • Yes/No question
  • Single checkbox (switch)
  • Single checkbox with text input
  • Dropdown select
  • Radio buttons
  • High/Medium/Low/None select
  • Number Field
  • Date Field
  • Long Text Input
  • Short Text Input
  • Group of People Box

Display Elements

  • Header text
  • Description text
  • Alert note (blue)
  • Hyperlink
  • Embedded Video (from YouTube, Wistia & Vimeo)

Yes/No questions

Yes/No questions have extra functionalities that might be useful when adding them to your questionnaire. These can be set up that when the client chooses 'Yes', a document request will be created in the background, and you can also trigger conditional sections.


File Requests

You can add a file request to the Yes/No question by creating the question, and then clicking 'edit':

The file requests will show up on the Documents Section of the questionnaire:

Trigger Conditional Sections

To trigger conditional sections with Yes/No questions you must first create the Conditional Section.

Then create a Yes/No question, then click 'edit' and check the Show Section if Answers is 'Yes' and choose the section to be triggered.

The section will then be available in the questionnaire:

Single checkbox


Single checkbox with fill-in text field


Dropdown select


Radio button group


Note: You'll have to create the question first - and after that you can click 'edit' to put in the options.

High/Medium/Low/None select


Long Text Field


Short Text Field


Group of People Box


Note: More about this element here: ask the client to pick people for roles

Header text & Description Text:

These are textual display elements to use (no question):


Alert Note

This is a textual display element that is in a colored box to stand out.


Embedded Video

You can embed video wherever you like in your questionnaire with this custom element.

DecisionVault supports embedding videos hosted on Youtube (they have to be public to comply with the YouTube terms of service!), Vimeo and Wistia.

Note: You have to create the embedded video element first (put in anything for the label - it won't show) - and then can click 'edit' to put in the video identifier.

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