How to let the client upload statements to the financial inventory?

Clients can use the financial section on your questionnaire to build up an inventory of their assets.

The below steps show how you can set up DecisionVault to prompt the client for files related to these assets from inside the asset inventory.


  1. Turn on files request for a category
  2. The client can now upload files
  3. You can review the assets and uploaded files from the Matter Detail screen

Turn on files request for a category

Open the customization screen of the questionnaire - and select the "Financial" tab:

Scroll down and open the category you would like to change, then turn on the request for files and set an appropriate header/label:

The client can now upload files

When the client adds an entry under the category - now they have the option to provide files:

Clicking "add" allows them to upload files:

How to download/review the files?

You can download and review the files from the "Financial" tab on the Matter Details screen:

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