How to upload your logo

Adding branding to your questionnaires

Adding logos to your workspace can give your firm a more professional and polished look. As a firm admin, you have access to add/edit logos to your workspace. In this article, we will guide you on how to add logos to your workspace.

Go to Settings > Firm > Branding then click on the logo in the preview login screen. To edit the Large Logo, click on the logo placeholder next to the credentials box.

Once you have clicked on the logo you wish to edit, you will be taken to the logo settings page. Here, you can upload images that meet the optimal size requirements:

Large Logo - 700px wide by 400px high

You may select background color by choosing either white or specifying a HEX# code.

Small Logo - 200px wide by 200px high

Note: After changing the logo the web app may still show the 'old' version for a couple of minutes (due to caching). To see how the new logo looks you can open one of your questionnaire standard links in an incognito browser window.

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