How to set up the integration between Lawgic and DecisionVault
To set up the integration between Lawgic and DecisionVault the tools need to be authenticated with each other - then to follow contact information can be imported from DecisionVault to Lawgic.
How to set up the integration?
Make sure you've updated you Lawgic software to the latest version - then you'll see this option in the menu:
When you select this the tool will give you the option to authenticate with DecisionVault:
This will open a browser window - where you're asked to login to DecisionVault, and then you get to this screen to give Lawgic permission to access your account:
(you may have to click the "Connect to DecisionVault" button in Lawgic once more after logging in)
After you choose "Allow Access" you get to this screen that shows an authorization code (which is only valid for a couple of minutes).
Copy this code into the field in the Lawgic screen and choose "grant access":
Now Lawgic will be able to connect to your DecisionVault account.
How to sync information?
Once the tools are connected you can search in your DecisionVault matters from inside of Lawgic:
This imports the client information - then on the next screen you can import related contacts and/or add contact info to the Lawgic "scratch pad":
For more information about how this integration works please have a look at the Lawgic support documentation or reach out to them if you have questions: