Is it possible to let someone upload files without creating an account?

Yes - it's possible to let someone upload files using an external upload request link.

Note: this gives someone only the ability to add files, which will show up under the document request in the matter. They won't give access to any of the existing information in the matter.

These are the steps to create such a link:

Create a document request

You can create a matter and immediately add a document request to it (no need to go into the questionnaire and fill anything in):

Navigate to the external link screen:

Create an External Upload Link

Fill in the form to create the link:

Once created, click the "show link" button to reveal the specific link (these are valid for 7 days, and can be extended):

You can copy the link and email it to the person you want to request the file(s) from.

Using the external link

When they open the link they'll get to a screen like this:

Reviewing uploaded files

The "internal reference" will show up next to the upload date in the "documents" tab on the matter:

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