How to set up the integration between HubSpot and DecisionVault?

  1. What's supported by the integration?
  2. How to set it up?
  3. How to trigger an automation in HubSpot upon starting or submitting a questionnaire in DecisionVault?

What's supported now?

The integration supports:

  1. Linking of the DecisionVault matter to the HubSpot deal and jump to the right client in the other tool.
  2. Sync the main client (first client on the matter, or the representative on representative intakes), map custom fields and add related contacts.
  3. Trigger automations in HubSpot when the questionnaire gets started or submitted in DecisionVault.

How to set up the integration

1. Authenticate HubSpot with DecisionVault:

To authenticate HubSpot with DecisionVault go to the integrations page - and look for the 'Authenticate with HubSpot CRM' button.

Follow the prompts to login to HubSpot and to give DecisionVault access.

Note: This only stores an 'access token' in DecisionVault to access HubSpot on your behalf. We don't have access to your login details, and you can always remove DecisionVault's access from the integrations page.

2) Setup defaults for HubSpot sync:

After you authenticate you will get redirected to the HubSpot Integration Setup page.

From here you can select the "Pipeline & Stage" and map DecisionVault event and matter fields. These defaults are only used if you let DecisionVault create a deal in HubSpot.

In most processes of firms who use HubSpot there will be a deal in HubSpot before your client starts on the DecisionVault questionnaire - in which case you can link the DecisionVault one to the existing HubSpot deal and these defaults are ignored.

There are three events that can be transmitted to HubSpot and trigger automations. These events can be mapped to a custom field in HubSpot, that when triggered can start an automation or workflow.

  • Questionnaire Started
  • Questionnaire Submitted
  • Matter Identifier

You are also able to sync matter level fields from DecisionVault into custom fields in HubSpot .

3) Sync a Matter and Contacts with HubSpot

After you map the custom fields, when you open up a matter detail screen on the attorney side of DecisionVault you can click "Integrations" on the right hand side and then click HubSpot .

For a matter that has not yet been synced with HubSpot - DecisionVault will first give you the option to link the matter to an existing deal in HubSpot , by searching in your deals. Or you have the option to just let DecisionVault create a new deal in HubSpot .

If you want to link an existing deal, type in the deal name in the search box and then click "Link to existing HubSpot deal". From this sync screen you can link the existing deal and contacts in HubSpot. After linking the contacts click "Link Matter and Contacts".

After linking the deal and contact, you will be able to select which contacts you want to sync over to HubSpot . Currently you are able to sync the Client and Spouse. After selecting the contacts click "Start Sync".

After the sync is complete you will be able to review the synced contacts and matter in HubSpot by clicking the link.

How to trigger an automation in HubSpot upon submit of the questionnaire in DecisionVault?

To trigger an automation in HubSpot when the questionnaire gets started or submitted in DecisionVault you need 3 things:

1) Create the 'DV Questionnaire Submitted/Started' custom field in HubSpot and map it in DecisionVault

2) Set up an automation in HubSpot that triggers when that custom field changes on a deal

If you want to move a deal to the next stage in HubSpot upon starting or submitting the questionnaire in DecisionVault you can create these based on the custom fields being updated.

Check this video out for the steps on how to create the workflow in HubSpot:

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