How to use Diagram Merge?

DecisionVault is able to fill in your PowerPoint templates with information captured on the questionnaire and design sheet.

See how this works:

EXAMPLE: The example PowerPoint Presentation from the above video can be downloaded here.

Setup Instructions

Step 1 - Define Fields

Define "fields" in your PowerPoint template - using the following notation:

  • Field names can contain letters, numbers and the dash and underscore ("-" and "_")
  • Field names (excluding the curly brackets) can be up to 40 characters long
  • Field names are case sensitive:
{{client-name}} and {{Client-Name}} are seen as 2 different fields

This results in a diagram that's full of these "fields":

Step 2 - Upload to DecisionVault Diagram Merge Settings

1) Find Diagram Merge under "settings" - "integrations" - "document automation" and turn it on

2) Put in a description of the PowerPoint Template and upload the file

3) Verify that the fields got loaded in:

The "edit template" screen will list the fields that were found in the PowerPoint File:

Step 3 - Map information from Matter

Open a matter, then from the integration dropdown find "DecisionVault Diagram Merge"

Pull the fields for the template, then map these fields to information present on the matter:

The first time you go through this you will need to make lots of selections - to follow DecisionVault will remember your choices and pre-fill these dropdowns on the next matter.

Finally - process the template and DecisionVault will merge the information into your PowerPoint file. To follow you can customize the file further directly in PowerPoint.

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